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Plants 5 trees The tree planting operations provide crucial income to local communities. You can track your impact after purchase.

Handmade by the Kaxinawa tribe in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. 

The energy comes in strong with the serpent into the center of the heart. Then traveling up through the throat, third eye, crown, and higher chakras creating an opening directly to the higher self with a blossoming from the heart center with the frequency of the coral ray of light from the heart center that expands from the physical to the energetic and etheric bodies.

The coral serpent working and opening the toroidal energy field circling in a figure 8 infinity dance of the coral serpent infusing you with love, clearing the back of the heart and the spine.

Its energies are piercing, strong, light, expansive, clearing, uplifting, and opening with love widom and grace. 

Strength: Medium

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